New Year, Same God


We are in the first few days of 2025! How are y'all feeling?

Every new year feels like a new chance, a new opportunity, a new beginning to do things over. In the monotony of life, we fail to realize that there is no difference between January 1st and July 11th. We fail to realize that every new day we are gifted a clean slate, a new beginning in a sense.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Every morning we are woken up to God's new mercies and we are graced to start again. I want to challenge you to treat every day God gifts you as a "new year." Treat every day like it is a fresh beginning because it is. If you fail to start working on that goal January 1st, do not wait until the next January 1st to start.

There are 365 days in a year, that's 365 new beginnings and possibilities!

Even though the days, months, and years change and gives us the chance to start again, God remains faithful. He never changes even though we do and the seasons do. We can always depend on Him and He gives us everything we need to start over again.