2019 has taught me so many invaluable lessons. After reflecting on all the lessons I learned, I came up with the top three lessons:
- My healing and growth are dependent upon how I respond and react to the circumstances I face. This year taught me that everything does not require a response or reaction. I learned to bite my tongue and to be more careful at how I react to certain things. This has really allowed me to not be irrational and to not inflict others (as well as myself) with my words/actions.
- I must let go of unnecessary baggage and not get so easily attached to things, especially things that do not benefit me and/or hinder my growth. Something I learned this year is that I am very possessive and I have always been that way. I get attached to people and things so easily and carelessly carry the emotional baggage that comes along with it. I have learned to be more mindful of my attachments. I have learned to be more mindful to not create idols. I have learned to not become so emotionally tied to people and things.
- I should not compare my journey with someone else's. I have to pace myself and trust that I will eventually get to where I am destined to be. Most of my 2019, I felt as though I was behind in comparison to others. I am watching peers getting married, buying houses, graduating with their master degrees, having kids, getting ahead in their careers, etcetera while it seems as though I am still stuck. But I have learned that comparing my journey with someone else's journey only makes it more difficult for me to enjoy my journey. So from now on, I will keep my eyes on the path laid before me and stay determined to see my destiny fulfilled.
What has 2019 taught you? What are you looking forward to in 2020? With a new year and a new decade on the horizon, I look forward to having a new perspective on life and approaching things differently. I look forward to taking all the lessons I've learned and applying them.
My word for 2020 is focus. My prayer is that in 2020, I will set my attention on the things that matter the most to me. What is your word for 2020? No matter how your 2019 may have transpired, this upcoming year and decade is a fresh, new start! Happy New Year!