I always find myself caring too much.
Caring about how others perceive me.
Caring about how I could have responded to something differently.
Caring about what I am going to eat for dinner.
Many of my cares and concerns are very meaningless. They typically disguise themselves as innocent considerations, however they always seem to distract me. They start off as small regards that eventually cause me to overthink and worry about things that are outside of my control. They take my attention off of who I need to be fixated on: God.
1 Peter 5:7 says, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you."
I find comfort in knowing that the things that deeply concern me also deeply concerns God. But I must be reminded that I am not God, God is God. Therefore, I have to trust Him to handle everything. Letting God handle everything requires letting go of the cares that are weighing me down.
When I cast my cares at the feet of Jesus, I must embrace the freedom of being untroubled by the things I cannot control. I must also exercise my trust in God by leaving those cares at His feet and believing that He will handle it from there.
Whatever cares and concerns you have been holding on to, I challenge you to give them over to God and allow Him to handle the rest.