I love coffee and I love coffee shops.
They tend to have such an intimate setting.
They are the perfect places to hold deep conversations or to catch up on that book you're supposedly reading.
The best part is that coffee is practically universal.
I'm the type that can drink black coffee, if it's my only option. However, I prefer cream and sugar.
And my go-to is a caramel latte or macchiato.
When it comes to ordering coffee, I never question myself.
Even if I end up ordering something I have never ordered before, I am down for the adventure.
Yet, God has been teaching me that something as simple as ordering coffee ought to be equivalent to me validating myself.
It should come naturally. But, for me, it doesn't.
So often, I find myself dismissing the identity God has placed on me by settling for who I presently am. I constantly question my worth.
Listen, self validation is tough.
Because I tend to find every reason as to why I am not worthy or good enough.
But God has already validated me, therefore, my validation is just reinforcement.
It's fine for me to settle for a cup of black coffee, but I should never settle for mediocrity.
God did not design me for mediocrity.
The most effective way to validate oneself is through proclamation.
What we say has the power to alter how we think and how we live.
And once we modify our thoughts, the things around us begin to shift.
In order for me to become the woman God has predestined me to be, I have to find the audacity and boldness to declare what He says about me. And I must declare with conviction! The more I assert these truths, the easier they manifest.
My lovely friend, Hanha from Transparency Blog, invited me to join her and several other women to partake in The Confessions Project, where we begin to confess and believe the things God says about us. I decided to take a post-it sticker every day and write out whatever I sense God sees in me. I have them sticking on my bedroom wall and every morning I get up, I declare out loud each promise and then add a new one.
I believe something as simple as this will help me view myself in a whole new light.
I will keep you all updated.
But, I highly encourage you all join in on this challenge with me, at least for the month of September.